Wednesday 11 February 2009

Samory, a little bit more detail history

The Almamy Samory Touré (or Samori Touré ), born in 1830 with Miniambaladougou, in current the Guinea, deceased the June 2nd 1900 with the Gabon, was a sovereign and a combatant against the French Colonisation in West Africa.
Biography Wire of a hawker Dioula of bottom Konyan and of a mother malinké animist, he becomes a skilful travelling merchant in 1848. About 1850, his/her mother is captured during a war by Séré-Burlay, of the clan of the Cissé. In order to obtaining its release, it is committed with the service of Cissé where it learns the handling from the weapons and comes into contact with the Islam. According to the tradition, there remain “ 7 years, 7 months, 7 days” before fleeing with his mother.
It engages then in the army of the Bérété, enemies of Cissé, during two years before joining its people, the Kamara. It lends oath to protect its people against Bérété and Cissé and is named Kélétigui (war leader) in 1861 with Dyala.
It creates a professional army and place at the headquarters of the close relations, in particular his brothers and his friends of childhood. It then begins its conquest as a combatant in first his enemies Bérété and Cissé. Its successive conquests will enable him to create its empire, the Wassoulou, whose capital will be Bissandougou. This empire will extend from the Guinea to the the Upper Volta (current Burkina Faso) and from the tropical forest to the the Sahara on close to 400 000 km ². Commercial exchanges and policies will take place with the State Toucouleur, directed by El Hadj Oumar Tall.
If these military campaigns are bloody, it with the skill to preserve the organizations of the traditional companies of the beaten people. However the populations Animiste S are Islamized. In 1868, Samory Touré takes the title of Almamy, commander of the believers . It runs up against Tiéba, king of Sikasso in the east, the French in north with Bamako. The empire of Samori is directed of its capital, Bissandougou, thanks to an effective administration and an army supplied by the coast with modern weapons
Starting from 1880, the ambition of Samory Touré is opposed by the French colonial penetration with the French Sudan (current Mali). It enters then in resistance against the colonial army which it demolished on several occasions, in particular in Woyowayanko the April 2nd 1882, in spite of the superiority of French who had heavy artillery.
It is however constrained to yield ground to the French colonial army by signing various treaties between 1886 and 1889. The fall of different resistant, in particular Babemba Traoré with Sikasso, makes it possible the colonial army to tackle in a final way Samory Touré. It will be captured on September 29th 1898 by the Commander Gouraud and will be exiled with the Gabon. He dies in captivity on June 2nd 1900 of a continuation of a Pneumonie.
He becomes a hero of resistance against colonialism and will be recognized by his enemies like a frightening warrior.

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