Thursday, 31 December 2009
NADD, The Crocked Alliance: Only PDOIS Can Hang Onto It
The UDP U.K branch knows that, this analysis of Halifa's Sallah comments may irritate a section of his support base, that is not our intention. We hope to respond in clarifying and putting a different perpective to his two part response to Pa Mbye.
Halifa's comments are in inverted comas and italise. We hope to foster a healthy dialogue which cannot at all times be friendly. But trouble societies must go through difficult discussions, burying our heads in sand and pretending as if all is alright is futile. The path to unseating Jammeh will take strange turns, but it will happen. We put our trust in God.
So help us God.
“Pa, the other issue of concern to me is your insinuation of lack of sincerity and principles within the NADD leadership. You mentioned lack of sincerity, principles and greed as the cause of the split in NADD. Could you identify those you consider to be lacking in sincerity and principles in NADD which led to its collapse? Could you also identify for me who are currently the insincere leaders in NADD and explain what led you to draw such a conclusion? If those leaders in NADD and those who have left NADD are insincere, unprincipled and greedy then why are you calling on them to unite to remove Jammeh? What is the significance of your lesson that unity is strength? How could the unity of insincere, unprincipled and greedy people give rise to strength to liberate a country?” Halifa Sallah
The questions raised by Pa Nderry Mbye were legitimate and requiring less aggressive answers from Halifa. The true colour of the leader of the defunct NADD has surface in every passing day. Halifa was holding key positions in NADD at every turn from the onset to the down fall. Any sincere and serious politician would have asked himself, why? Halifa knows for a fact, he is a political light weight whose main command base in writing on Foroyaa or to some of his fan base online. Twisting of facts on the breakup of NADD is clear to many Gambians who paid attention to the process which lead to the disintegration of a damned union. Halifa was always having an eye for the leadership yet, pretending to Gambians that, he is less interested in power and more interested in sovereign preaching. Who does Halifa thinks he is deceiving?
“Many people marvel at the fact that two parties with diametrically opposed objectives are the last to leave NADD but few marvel at the ingenuity which makes it possible to achieve the impossible. What is more intriguing is that the architects of the irony are calling for another marriage of convenience while at the same time calling for a dissolution of the earlier marriage of convenience.” Halifa Sallah
It is clear then that, Halifa now has a shore relationship with some members of the group who were the architect of NADD. He is blaming them for having the courage and wish to rid the Gambia of Yahya. This is interesting. Didn’t Halifa with over twenty years of political experience read or even show marriage of convenience in many parts of the globe including Senegal, Kenya etc? Is Halifa saying that, politicians must have one ideology to unite over anything?
“You the youths in the Diaspora made it a principle that any body who refused to join the alliance of opposites should be seen to be insincere, unprincipled, greedy and unpatriotic. Hence you forced people to become what they were not and then accuse them of being insincere when they show their true colour.” Halifa
The regular media propaganda of the lone ranger in NADD/PDOIS wishing to heap blame on others except himself yet again by blaming committed well meaning Gambians on wishing to have a united opposition. Halifa’s reference to “...when they show their true colour” is a cynical attack on the UDP and others who pulled out of the coalition of NADD. What Halifa fail to admit and make clear with all his self-righteous rants are that, he singlehandedly became the thorn in the whole NADD set up.
Halifa’s delusion and false pride in his academic all roundedness means, he will never concede to any opposition leader no matter what. Therefore he will always use means to trigger a stalemate in negotiations and possible coalition talks. Halifa may be read on line by those Gambians interested, but on the ground, Halifa don’t stand a chance in any leadership primary elections. His equation is either him or no one else.
Halifa the political strategist, Halifa the constitutional expert, Halifa the Historian, Halifa the educationist, Halifa the sociologist/academic, Halifa the everything. What chance do other opposition candidates have with a man who belittle and looks down on all others? Yet seeing through Halifa’s inadequacies are much easier than he would make them out to be.
Him being the only sincere Gambian politician, and others power hungry, less educated, inarticulate, and less eloquent as he regularly puts it, Halifa’s arrogance surpasses every ounce of a humble and patriotic politician. If others show their true colour by refusing to bow down to his singular wish of becoming the flag bearer using treacherous means. Halifa is today the one showing his true self, by blowing his top in simple matters like that raised by Pa Nderry.
"Sincerity and full adherence to original principle means that opposites should not be allowed to mix. By now we would have had a more vibrant opposition and more opposition members in the national assembly by forming tactical alliances of one sort or the other." Halifa
Tactical alliance couldn't be possible because Halifa's craft was expose by then. He knew without such alliance he doesn't stand a chance to regain his seat, his campiagn was all base on attacking the UDP. Who does Halifa think he is? castigating an opposition party regularly and wanting them help you win a seat. Let him come to terms with his own contradictions.
“...all other alliances are based on one party putting its own agenda and principles on ice and render support to the principles and policies of another without any conditionality. You see a conflict of interest in the NADD alliance but not in the other Alliances.” Halifa
Here the PDOIS Serrekunda East failed candidate has declared openly that, they will not put their weight behind any other party thereby freezing their party’s principles. But in reality, it doesn’t have to be that way. Lesser parties can still promote their principles whilst openly backing and strategising a formidable election campaign for the bigger opposition party. What Halifa wish to convince us is that, NADD has a winning parliamentarian in Sedia, which proofs that, the new party was well received, all that is needed is uniting behind NADD regardless of the size of the opposition party.
“The existence of the law would have enabled PDOIS to determine whether it could continue to operate under NADD, since it has provided a victorious candidate for both National Assembly and Council seats in Wuli or fully assess the full implication of its withdrawal from NADD.” Halifa
The writing is all on the wall now. PDOIS produce a winning candidate in Wulli and Serrekunda, yet similar result occurred in NADD. What is baffling is that, why is PDOIS executive trying to hide away from the party’s identity in the guise of NADD? Is it that, PDOIS is synonymous with communism? Or that Gambians could not be attach to the party for over twenty years and now a fantastic idea emerged in NADD were the past can be masqueraded and reinvented in NADD.
"Are you convinced of the ineptitude of most of our critics who do not think holistically to evolve relevant strategies and tactics to shape the destiny of this country or do you want me to proceed to expose their barren conception?" Halifa Sallah
Now who would have thought, the man dupe the calm and intellectual brian power of the Gambia losing his cool. If he convince himself that, he has the best brian yet could not device any serious plan to unite the Gambian people, what else does Halifa has to boost about? 'Barren conception' that is a joke.
"Hence NADD could not die a natural death because people from a party who were never in for alloying their political principles accepted to bow down to the demands for unity and having done so on the basis of sound principles stayed the course and are now exploring how to achieve the same aim NADD set out to achieve while gradually breathing life into their own political organisation." Halifa
PDOIS will wish NADD remains. The support base hardly have a say, Halifa is the spokesman, leader, thinker, strategist etc. Why does he think people will believe the pretentious idea that, he will involve his party rank and file in NADD's future? NADD should be dissolve as political party, and alliance base on party lead utilise.
"For your information, since 2008 the PDOIS membership is being consulted on the need to hold a congress to review the way forward including its future relation with NADD or its nullification." Halifa
We eagerly awaits the result of the pending consultation. The irony for now is that, all we see is one man being the everything of a party. One wonder whether any body else's opinion matters in NADD or PDOIS.
Halifa's part two will be analyse so far as areas where he made explicit or implicit remarks against the UDP is concern. The UDP leadership will be convince not to respond to a frustrated politician who enjoys the media misinformation.
The part two is quiet similar in remarks to part one, hence the analysis will be less wordy as this one. The UDP reserve the right to respond to political advantegeous comments from its rivals. When the leadership of other opposition parties avoid making comments against the UDP by giving unity a chance, we will relent and also give unity a chance.
Halifa's supporters cannot silence us by using unity talks as tool, unless Halifa desist we will not.
The can call us lacking soveign education or civic knowledge, we don't mind, we too have our opinions on him.
UDP U.K coordinator
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Sharing the Booty: Why Blame The Islamic Scholars
It is attractive and plausible for desperate Gambians to support statement against clerics in our current plight. The mere fact that, some clerics occasionally support Yahya Jammeh is sufficient grounds for all out assault on the personalities of our religious scholars.
The fact remains; Yahya Jammeh is a product of secular Gambia. He emanate from an institution whose members bluff more than any other of their extreme secular nature. The security apparatus of the Gambia is seen by many as the least place for committed Muslims. The culture of boozing, womanising and regular engagement in voodoo fetish spiritualism is common currency among the men of the security services. The army, police and customs lay no red carpet for puritans.
Yahya Jammeh came upon us through the army, a place where anyone educated only through the Islamic tradition is disqualified from admittance. The army is just one sector where religious educated or Arabic educated graduates have little or no opportunity whatsoever.
Yet today, few occasional comments by one or two Imams irritate secular Gambia so much, every single religious scholar is quantify as insincere, an hypocrite, and have you. Yet who stands to gain in a Gambia where a dictator like Yahya reigns over?
It is we secular educated Gambians who are enjoying with our dictator of Kanilia. It us who do all the jobs for him which he use to blindfold others in the name of development. It’s us who do all his PR propaganda for him; it’s us who act as his diplomats, validating him across the globe. It is us who form opposition parties against him and contest elections with him, making him legitimate in the eye of the international community. Yet we feel that, religious scholars who gain crumps in all of our mess should be blame because they are men of God and should stay away from politics.
The real reason some religious scholars make statements favourable to Yahya is simply in defence of the one thing that they can rely on to salvage comfort and satisfaction. Their religious principles and the environment in which they can promote what is also important. Yahya Jammeh plays Christians against Muslims, by privately and publicly making favourable comments toward the minority Christian community and attacking the Muslims scholarly base.
The strategy of divide and manipulate is deliberate and a ploy to force the Islamic scholars to favour him, if not he will make the environment in which Islam operates pollutant and difficult for the advocate of Islamic values. I know some people find the whole religious discourse a waste of time and unnecessary, but to others it is more important than any other activity. Therefore the Islamic scholars thread the actions of Yahya with utmost care. They use the scriptures to highlight the effects of dictatorship in a general context. They cannot name Yahya as the President and attack his actions. They have little to gain by confronting Yahya head on.
To make matters much clearer, how many educated Gambians live in the diaspora? How of the educated Gambians are then willing to criticise Yahya’s administrative styles and question his crimes against Gambians in the open witha real name and identity? Now we have to bear in mind that, some conservative estimates put the amount of Gambians in America to be 25,000, in U.K 15,000, In France and Spain much more. Yet this Gambians live over 6,000miles away from the claws of Yahya and his security agents. Only a negligible amount confronts the injustices of the APRC governments and its bully boys.
Comparing the inaction of secular educated Gambians who can go home, take good jobs with pensions and all sorts of benefits with or without Yahya’s government. Gambians who can’t compete with us in the civil service, private sector or for international jobs, we want those people to act in open defiance of a dictator who can kill or lock them on no grounds for what?
Yes, the argument may also be, if you will not condemn a dictator then don’t openly support some of his actions. A valid point, but as I alluded to earlier, if massaging the ego of a dictator means, he will leave people alone to practise their faith and go about preaching religion freely, then the scholars (few) of them for that matter, make comments favourable to Yahya. Whilst any open attack on his government will be taken as a case of hostility and open defiance. Which in turn means, jail or be ready for martyrdom.
Dictatorship is the worst form of government anywhere in the world. But do Gambians want religious personalities to fight secular political battles for them? In our current position, many will say, anything that can unseat Yahya is welcome, but post Yahya, how do we reconcile seeing clerics talking politics?
It is vital that we divorce the spiritual from the normal every day activity. Our Islamic scholars are well meaning and dedicated people. This men and women are educated to highest level. They know the implications of causing harm to people. They also understand the current political situation in the country. The means of involving them in resolving the political dilemma in our country should well be thought out. They have families, responsibilities and with little means from the state or private sector.
Most of the scholars gain their livelihood from NGO’s from other Muslims states. They teach, operate charities and so on, and get paid from charitable sources. Although many of the Arabic educated Gambians specialise in different field of studies, ranging from language, geography, engineering, electrical mechanics, education, theology, history etc, they don’t have the facilities once in the Gambia to learn Basic English language in converting their skills.
Finally, the Islamic scholar that went through proper training and attain high level education will never report one of their own, by doing so many know the implication of that. The Likes of Dr Mbye Kah, Sheik Muhammed Lamin Touray, Sheik Gibreal Kujabi, Imam Abdoule Fatty, Sheik Sidiya Ceesay etc, don’t need any financial reward from the state to sell a fellow scholar. They are all well remunerated through other sources. They are involved in well funded charities and recognised for their sacrifice and academic qualities. Dr Mbye Kah’s PhD thesis was a sort after book in the prestigious Medina University. These men are not recognised by many simply because the Gambia lacks a culture of religious patronage like Senegal. These men will not even entertain anyone venerating them. Islam doesn’t have any window for Priesthood. All this scholars earn their living by engaging in work, the Imam roles are only one part of what they do.
I hope we accord our scholars the respect they deserve and channel our frustration where it will make an impact.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
The Life of Usman Dan Fodio.
Dr Hakim Quick explain the life of the Nigerian Islamic scholar, Sheik Usman Dan Fodio. May his soul rest in peace. Amen
Sekou Toure like many other early African leaders have tags of dictatorship made against them. This is an inetersting issue especially, these leaders began by championing the poor, weak and enslaved.
What cause them to change and adopt the ways of the colonialist?
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Sunnah Fasting
This year, Saturday 26th and Sunday the 27th of December are the 9th and 10th of Muharram. If you cannot fast for two days, at least try for one day.
I hope all Jallow Kunda-folks observe this fast. Cherno Baba, make more prayers for everyone.
May Allah accept our small efforts and keep us on the deenul Islam. Amen.
Profiling Ustass Omar Bun Jeng (Omar Fadera)

The Sheik Bakawsu Fofana Lectures
Part one of Sheik Bakawsu's lecture.This are Youtube videos of the young Preacher from Jarra Barrow Kunda now settled in Sanchaba
Thanks For all The feed backs On Jaliba's Piece
After the Allgambian publish the research work I conducted on Jaliba Kuyateh, scores of readers emailed me expressing their appreciation for the work. I am ever grateful for the comments. In fact, as the part two will show, i took the initiative in researching Jaliba in defense of my love for the Mandingo customs and tradition.
Music is not big in my house, in fact, I hardly play any form of music to be honest. In visiting friends on days off, I am regularly entertain with Musics by Jaliba and the Senegambian musicians. Although, this few occasions of listening to Music never trigger any deep interest in Music, it made me aware of the entrench nature music affects, for the better worst Gambians.
Therefore, I started paying attention to the lyrics of Jaliba Kuyateh. If I cannot shake my legs to his songs, then what is he saying?
I have deep interest in Mandingo proverbs. In the songs of Jaliba, i notice he always use a proverb in each track. I then said, is JALIBA promoting Mandingo tradition in his own way? The old traditional music still appeal to me. Thanks to Janko Solo for his reservoir of knowledge on old music, He has taught me a lot on solid customs. His every utterance in wisdom in old school.
To cut a long story short, he was. My reservation then shifted to his shows were all sorts of dance routines and dresses are on display. But hey, that is for another discussion.
Jaliba will be interview at length on his next visit to U.K. Hopefully something may come out of the project. I thank Kayatta for the valuable observation and comments.
Forward with our cultures. Bolonba
Jaliba's recent videos are unfortunately not available on the Internet for rigorous analysis.
Monday, 21 December 2009
Dr Njombor of Freedom Newspaper Should Just Let Go
A few moments later, he is now playing the victim card by accusing us of publicity seeking and that we are his haters.
Instead of salvaging a battered image, Editor Pa should know that, focusing on other people's personal lives is a sign emptiness and a breed of idle mind.
Damage control is never as good as damage prevention. The Editor never wish to learn his lessons. He shouldn't crown himself as above the law of professional ethics and decency.
The freedom newspaper has done wonderful things in highlighting the criminality of Yahya Jammeh and his inner circles, yet the paper over the years refuse to block temptation of going after 'tabloid tales' brand of intimating and harassing ordinary simple Gambians.
Many Gambians that the paper attack have nothing to hide, but the mere fact, you are accuse of things abhorrent, you hardly have the stamina to engage anyone on unhealthy issues. The management of Freedom newspaper should come to the realisation that, enough is enough.
Fatou objected to discussing a impending article by the freedom on her for ethical reasons. Pa Nderry Mbye should know by himself that, exposing the private life of an individual is unnecessary and lacking taste. Why should Fatou advise Pa Nderry on the Freedom's editorial line?
If Pa cannot estimate the damage a piece will cause to others, then he needs to rethink his chosen profession.
Permutations of disquise assault on ordinary folks will not gain Gambian productive outcomes. The freedom should stop wallowing in playing the victim in sensitive matters like this. I see that approach as mere policking and sulking in pretense crocodile tears.
It is the reputation that freedom created for itself which culminated in fostering the disquiet of sound minded Gambians. No one is an enemy of the freedom, we are an enemy of bullying. Bullying Editor Pa must stop.
All i see is, the editor of Freedom asking himself, 'what rhymes well with today's news article?. Let the editor plays healthy rhymes, Gambians will always be quietly grateful.
I for one is not calling for any censorship of important broad base issues, in fact i relishes them. This is why, supporters of Halifa mistake ordinary Gambians with public figures. In as much as faceless, nameless folks are trying to mixed up the politician and the private Gambian, i know the boundaries to question the policies of Halifa Sallah. Never have I gone after his private life. But no one can also stop Gambians on discussing legitimate public interest issues. What concerns us all is a subject we should discuss.
The Freedom newspaper is not the victim here, but an aggressor and a paper that has gone beyond the limits.I fear that, the freedom is slowly turning into a monster that will hardly verify who is a legitimate target and who is not. A monster which will be the cause of its own demise. Post Yahya will we have any use for news papers like the Freedom is the editor continues on this line of journalism? I doubt it.
The freedom editor never write anything against his own immediate family, so exposing the privacy of ordinary peaceful Gambians who have nothing to do with Jammeh regime is unacceptable.
Finally, I for one don't seek any fame from this palaver, in fact, commenting on the subject further will only affect fatou more than anyone. I have platforms to air my views, I have never given the Freedom my photo to accompany any thing I previously wrote on the paper, so really, publicity is the last thing I seek. Anyone who goes through the content of what I write will see the subject I covered. I don't seek the approval of anyone. If I am honest and upright with my opinion, I am sincerely satisfied.
On the other hand, reading the Freedom weekly, one cannot but constantly see the editor making the paper into his personal life story. Full photos, cheap bragging and so on. The cheap accusations are an expression of his personal short comings.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
The dignity, reputation and self-respect of women need preserving. A key determinant in gaining an air of respect and nobility all across the world for women is associated with their dignity. Societies like that of ours still lay enormous emphasis on a woman’s chastity and manners. To attribute remotely any form of infidelity and casual indulgence in affairs outside marriage is not a small attack on a woman’s personality alone, but all those who associate and are related with such woman.
The scriptures warn the faithful to avoid accusing women of infidelity and lacking self-control. The warnings are so dare, anyone who accuses a believing woman of sex outside marriage without any proof; such a person is in the eye of the divine laws condemned to 80 lashes.
Two Gambian women were accused of having a boy friend on a widely read Gambian newspaper. These women are stained by the mere attribution of casual love affairs outside a marital sanctity. Many will suspect the credibility and validity of such statements against the women in question, but still some faint hearted readers may continue to believe in it.
The question all well meaning Gambians or people of concern should ask themselves is what good does such irrelevant news stories serve?
The private lives of independent women who are not occupying any public position where they are remunerated by Gambian tax payers, why should their private lives become a subject of our news papers?
Another vital point to note is that, why should hard working, well respected women be associated with having boyfriends? It is a simple chauvinist behaviour and an outdate attitude which needs to be do away with.
Isn’t there more respectable and better ways to question the conduct of a woman instead of going after her jugular?
Fatoumata Jahumpa is openly associated with the dictatorship of Yahya Jammeh, yet that is not a license to use her name in castigating the respectable sister in Fatou Jaw Manneh. One can write voluminous accounts of Fatou Jahumpa on her role in fostering sycophancy and selfishness, but that should not extend to her private personal life. No one can mistake the real intention of the so-call letter, the aim is to discredit Fatou Jaw Manneh not fatoumata Jahumpa.
Fatou Jaw Manneh has endured more than many of us. She continues to be part of the struggle and in the media business. Many who have smoothly sailed into the comfort of the Americas or Europe quietly went about their business uninterested in current developments affecting Gambians.
Fatou Jaw could have done the same and quietly lay low, avoiding media spotlight, thus safe guarding her private personal live. I doubt if the editor of Freedom news paper will publish anything against Fatou Jaw if she is not providing alternative media outlet for Gambians online.
In 2009, the privacy and dignity of Gambian women shouldn’t become a subject of our media debate. Let us talk about what affect us all in the public space of the Gambia. Writing about the private lives of people will do us no good. Regular readers on the online discussion forums also see these unhealthy exchanges. Some believe, by writing innuendos and concocted stories about others just to score futile points they have gain. One would expect the editor of Freedom news paper to have grown beyond such unhealthy style of journalism, but alas, salvaging personal point’s means doing whatever it takes for some.
The least we can all do for fatou Jaw Manneh is to respect her privacy and stop manufacturing lies on her private life. I am very sad to read untruth about prominent women in our male dominated circles.
Fatou Jaw Manneh’s dignity remains intact. There are certain habits which are more sinful than drinking alcohol; lying against the dignity of others is one such act.
The editor of Freedom newspaper should retract that so-call letter and apologise to Fatou Jaw for aiding the transmission of a character assassinating lies. He needs to take note of our social norms and values, and stop trespassing on people’s privacy.
The letter shouldn’t have pass through a vigorous editor’s lenses. The piece is scandalous, rude, unnecessary and in bad taste. Fundamentally it also exposes the ever uncompromising stance of folks in demeaning others to for whatever selfish reasons.
"foro son tee menti, jaaw salalela, namee tasinin, Allah saa bo ikan" (what is not the habit of one, a jealous sob can ascribe it to you, but in the end, God will preserve your dingnity)
Saturday, 19 December 2009
And they said that STDG is neutral. What a joke. How can Keba Foon be the head of a group who utter nonsenses like the statement above. The words sounds like that which a pet of Halifa Sallah would say. Keba Foon a Wollof supremacist aim to deceive the UDP into accepting dubious plot to hookwink Ousainou. Thereby permitting the nonenity Halifa to able to capture the NADD leadership by deception. What the Keba foon's fail to know is that, Halifa's influence ends online with his harden followers. So placing Halifa on Gambians in equals to telling Jammeh please don't go on any campaign.
Keba Foon is not alone in the Mandingo hating. He was speaking for a collective group. Let them know that the days of maslaha on Gambian issues are over. The days of allowing few cligues to undermine a whole is over.
Let Keba wake up to the new Gambia. An idoit per excellence.
Was Bakuwsu Arrested?
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Reading through the freedom newspaper today:
I came across a story which states that, Sheik Bakawsu Fofana originally from Jarra Barrow Kunda was arrested for having a difference of opinion with the members of the supreme Islamic Council Gambia.
I have personally listen to tapes of Bakawsu lectures and watched a few of his DVDs to know his style of preachings. Bakawsu is a young man of 36 years as compared to Imam Muhammed Lamin Touray, the president of the Islamic council. Bakawsu and Imam Muhammed Lamin are very close friends. They both studied in Medina university and are both well verse in Islamic jurisprudence and general knowledge on Islam.
Bakawsu did his BA in Qur'an and Hadith studies, and his style of preaching is more or less base on those two sources. He doesn't mince his words and he hardly avoid stating the obvious. lecture of Bakawsu:
Mandingo speakers will appreciate his clarity in speech, although he has some speech impediments. Bakawsu's controversial lectures includes his advise to the Jola community to take religion seriously and seize following customs which are tantamount to Idol worship. He also do regularly advise women to dress modestly and avoid revealing their under garments.
He is also a no nonsense preacher when it comes to addressing we the secular western educated Gambians. He commented, "whenever there is a religious function to do, the secular educated Gambians would like to pass on the role to others." He further said, we spend most time on material pursuits and divide the resources of our country among ourselves. He said "from early age they go to school up till they enter adulthood, then they start to work from 9 to 5. They hardly have time to learn about their faith. When they retire, they commence reading newspaper by street corners and engaging in political debates all day on end." Bakawsu further advise that, co-education should abolish in the Gambia. He said co-education has killed the jealousy that couples should have on each other. on another topic, he attack the new custom female wrestling on TV.
Bakawsu on the opening of his local Mosque in Sanchaba, invited Imam Muhammed Lamin Touray as main speaker on the event. So for those two parties to fall out over mundane religious matters like the date of Tobaski is rather funny.
There is more to the story than the paper made it to be.
It is my believe that, both Bakawsu and Imam Muhammed Lamin have gone through rigorous training and intense research to be able to deal with a difference of opinion on the sighting of a moon. They have both dealt with issue far more advance and serious. At this juncture the freedomnews paper didn't say who in the supreme SIC did the reporting to the police, but since Muhammed Lamin is the president, we have to put him in the know of things. Imam Muhammed Lamin is far more experience and capable to solve low level issues like this.
Hijra, Islamic New Year. 1431 Years since Hijra
Our thanks to all Gambian Muslim and non-Muslims and those on the Harunasilo and other deep philosophical spiritual path.
www.suntoumana.blogspot would like to extend this new year greetings to the editors and contributors of all Gambian online media (Editor freedom newspaper, editor Senegambia, Editors allgambian, Editors Gainako, Editors Maafanta, Editors theGambiajournal and Editor theGambia echo.) And also the happy greetings to all politicians and their supporters together with the list managers of the Gambia L and Gambia Post forums, not forgeting the Administrator of in cyber space.
December 18, 2009 was the 1st Al-Hijra (the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina), celebrated on the first day of the month of Muharram.
The importance of Muharram is that, no Muslim should reside in a country were he/she cannot perform their religious obligations. There is no excuse in that category. One is oblige to migrate to a place where a muslim is free to practise his/her faith without fear of reprisals. Also each Muslims should look into their spritual life and evaluate wether they have cross certain lines deem sinful, thus requiring self-analysis and repentance.
If one is indulging in sinful activities such as: consuming alcahol or eating pork, eating riba or interest, commiting unlawful sexual activity, abandoning ones kit and kin or family, abortion,unlawful killings of human beings, spreading mischeive by increasing corruption of people's hearts, causing devorce by interfaring in other people's marital business etc. Then one needs to repent and desist from such activity.
Allah is open to accept our sincere repentence. In fact to paraphrase, it is stated in a hadith that "God is willing to forgive a sinful person, to such an extend, even a mother whose child angered her, cannot be more please when that child comes back to her in humility and request her forgiveness. The Happiness God shows to a sinner who submit to him in repentance, is more powerful than that mother." This shows that, we shouldn't lose hope and continue on bad activities.
May Allah forgive us our mistakes and guide us into deen-ul-Islam, where we will do what the Prophet Muhammad advice rather than following biddas and innovations which are a misguidance and errors.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
The making of tyrant. Revisit the old news
President Jammeh seized power in a 1994 military coup
Gambian President Yahyah Jammeh has lifted the ban on political activities of parties he overthrew in a military coup in 1994.
"You are free to choose and support anyone you want. But you do not have a right to instigate or take part in violence. If you do you will go six feet deep"
Gambia's President Jammeh
This announcement will, correspondents suggest, open the way for political parties to challenge the president in multi-party elections due in October.
In an address to a rally in Banjul he said: "You are free to choose and support anyone you want. But you do not have a right to instigate or take part in violence. If you do you will go six feet deep."
Mr Jammeh's order, which surprised many Gambians, coincided with the anniversary of his 1994 coup that toppled the elected government of Sir Dauda Jawara who is now living in exile in Britain.
Notoriously restrictive
The notoriously restrictive Decree 89 had until now prevented parties like the Peoples Progressive Party, which had ruled the country since independence from Britain in 1965, from participating in elections.
A former minister of Agriculture in the government of Sir Dauda, Mr Omar Jallow told the BBC's Network Africa programme: "There is no cause for jubilation."
He said the decree that had been in force was "draconian, despotic and obnoxious", adding that a country that believes in the rule of law and human rights "has no business to enslave its citizens" by discriminating against them on political grounds.
Mr Jammeh, who seized power as a young officer, has been under pressure from donors and the Commonwealth to provide a broader political base.
Pressure has also come from within. Local politicians who had become increasing restive had begun re-grouping and re-organising themselves, threatening to defy the ban.
Mr Jammeh has tried to win over Gambians by making improvements to the country's infrastructure, building new roads, hospitals and schools.
Most strident critic
In 1996 as a way of legitimising his grip on power he called presidential and parliamentary elections. Opposition participation was limited.
Although Mr Jammeh's party won the elections, his most strident critic, opposition party leader and lawyer, Mr Ousainou Darboe won 38% of the vote in the ten days of campaigning he was allowed.
Recent history
July 1994: Jammeh's coup, bans political parties
1996: Jammeh wins elections
2000: Students killed in anti-police protest
2000: Nine charged with treason
July 2001: Ban on ex-political parties lifted
The economy too has come under considerable strain. The slump in the numbers of tourists from Britain and other European counties and the fall in the price of groundnut crop, a major foreign exchange earner, are having an impact.
The tourist figures have not quite recovered from the ban, even though lifted, that was placed on travel to the Gambia following Mr Jammeh's coup.
Inflation is rising and two weeks ago a higher currency note, 100 dalais, was put into circulation.
Mr Jammeh's period in office, the opposition says, has seen the security agents becoming arrogant and unaccountable.
They owner of Citizen Radio, an independent station, had his offices raided and was detained.
He was later released following interrogation over a report he aired questioning the activities of security agents.
Gambian Police patrols on bike
The cycle patrols have had a great reception
By Ebrima Sillah in Banjul
For many years now, the Gambian Police has been battling hard to restore public confidence in its ailing image.
Allegations of corruption and inefficiency as well as bias, harassment and intimidation are not new.
Children ringing their bicycle bells can be seen, chasing them across the city
Ebrima Sillah
In response to these concerns the police are trying to revive public faith in schemes like the bicycle patrol.
A pedal power fleet has been recently introduced in the capital Banjul to reduce the rising level of crime.
Each patrol officer is provided with a brand new blue uniform and bicycle.
Officers no longer have to patrol on foot, sweating in the blazing sun.
Patrolling zones
In Banjul, there is new air of enthusiasm about the introduction of the new patrol scheme.
Police response times are much quicker
Before, complainants had to hire a taxi to transport police officers to the scene of a crime.
Now because Banjul is now divided into different patrolling zones, people can simply walk to the nearest zone and register a complaint and a police officer will soon be there to sort out the problem.
Cycling officers are attracting attention where ever they go.
Children ringing their bicycle bells can be seen, chasing them across the city.
The pedal patrol at the moment runs from early morning to early evening but local people want the patrols increased to around the clock.
And other parts of the country with big crime problems are demanding that something similar is tried in their area.
The police are taking the demands seriously.
There are plans to cut back on administration and increase the amount of patrols across the country.
The accusing fingers points to the dictator of Kanilai and his willing Hench men and women. Our message to them is, each blood you spill, your soul shall bear the brunt of the punishment later. You cannot escape the infinite justice of God. The death trap is, as you kill, your soul is wasted forever. You have little hope for salvation. Crimes committed on such abominable proportion demands equal recompense.
Why should people allow themselves to be used by another mortal man? Why should men place themselves at the service of other human being by committing acts which literally destroys ones present and next life?
It is so sad that people are allowing themselves to be bogey men for evil dictators in the capacity of Yahya Jammeh and his ilks.
Down with dictators and murders, down with all those who do the dirty jobs for them.
"There is no obedience to the creation in the disobedience of the creator" prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). All those who abide by unlawful orders in killing fellow Gambians are the lowest of the low. Their lives are not worth living. Be man enough and decline to undertake such commands warranting in taking the life of another human being. What you do today will always live with you.
Rest in peace Hydara
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Short story Book
Some of the events are difficults to recollect, but some research is done to peice together the major accounts.
Jaliba's interview
I hope it helps in increasing readers understanding of Jaliba's brand of Kora Music.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Analysing UDP's leader's U.S interview on GambiaJournal
People approached Ousainou back in 1996 on a return journey from the U.S, a constitution was written and Ousainou was asked to lead the party. Darboe accepted the position at the behest of the brutality and ruthlessness of the junta. After due consultation with close family member, and also after some personal encounter with ordinary Gambians, Darboe took the challenge to lead the biggest opposition party in the Gambia.
Darboe’s firm base is his strong core support of extended and immediate family members. The overwhelming urge to challenge the dictatorship and also to bring back justice to the Gambia. A man born in a family must have their consent before embarking into a career of politics which consumes a good part of one’s family and social life. That decision alone by Darboe entails that, democratic values and credentials are solidly entrench in him at all times. Some will jump at such an opportunity, with or without the consent of the family.
Darboe is a key player in the Gambian legal profession, he use to have a wide cliental. After coming into politics, all major big clients left his chambers and Darboe for the sake sacrificing for the Gambian people, accepted that in good faith.
Now this is also another vital point worth elaborating on. We constantly hear sounds from the camp of PDOIS that, they have sacrificed for the Gambia as if no other person as done any genuine and even more sincere sacrifice. A man who have much to lose by exposing his business empire and one who doesn’t have one in the first place, who is more genuine?
PDOIS members safely employ themselves in the media business (Foroyaa) were all the founding members contribute to the paper. They sell the news paper and generate income from it, yet they play as if they are the poorest of Gambians. This is not to say, some of the international conferences some members attends, earning them cool figures.
Darboe was also honest in acknowledging that, the APRC regime did have a mark on the infrastructural landscape of the Gambia. This is not to say, all those infrastructural visible landmarks are necessary or properly undertaken. Therefore the mere change in some areas of the Gambia infrastructure is not enough determinant as sustainable development.
Darbo was also humble in his regret of having some decisions wrong. Among them is boycotting of the 2001 parliamentary elections.
Suspending the political activity of the UDP whilst the negotiation of NADD was going on was also another area of regrets. The effect was the slowing down of the grassroots activism. The symbolism here is that, if Darboe wasn’t interested in a united opposition alliance, why should he freeze all UDP activities just to give NADD a chance? A chance which was destroys by double standards and pettiness. Yet those same figures that destroy that chance have the audacity to face Gambians and blame the UDP for pulling out of a crafty plot to use UDP base whilst working against its leadership.
On the subject of the NADD break up, “the UDP broke away from NADD the political party not NADD the loose alliance of political party.” Darboe
The key problematic issue was the notion elements within NADD having the thought that apart from them, no other politicians have the ability to bring the rule of law back in the Gambia. And also, the futile thinking that, one has to be an orator or key note speaker to be selected as flag bearer proof that there was no sincere aim on the part some opposition figures for true unity in removing Yahya.
“The NADD constitution was bypass and new rules were written to make the selection process even harder. The UDP will join in party alliance but not in a new political party.” This is the situation when one man thinks and convinces himself that, he is the most educated and competent Gambian there is.
Darboe is prepared to concede the UDP leadership. One has to understand that, Ousainou was approach to lead the opposition party, power hungry is not an issue for him. But this is going to be a UDP internal matter. No concession will be made to other opposition parties without proper democratic exercises.
“The decline in votes for UDP is linked to all other political parties. The voter apathy is a serious problem in the Gambia, also in other parts of the world.” Darboe
Darboe maintain that, “the hope is that, the independent electoral commission will be dignified enough to uphold fairness and just election process in the Gambia. But it is hard to be optimistic about the fairness of the Gambian election process.”
The important issues to be gain from Darboe’s radio interview are that, the accusation from the camp of certain opposition politicians that he is power hungry and wish to be president at all cost is nonsense.
Darboe did not invite the leadership on himself but by the people.
Darboe is today willing to hand over leadership to capable members within the UDP. But the UDP will not be deceived by oratory and double standard self-perfectionist, self-righteous politicians who are not members of the UDP.
The UDP will not be allowed to be use as a springboks for any reason, the party command respect both within and outside the Gambia.
The party leader has suffered grossly by his stands, his supporters have suffered more than many, and some of its members are still missing.
No opposition political party can claim to want a decent and peaceful change in the Gambia than the UDP.
This analysis is an independent work by the UDP United Kingdom branch, Ousainou was not consulted before or after the publication of this material. We believe as Gambians, the right to air our views with an independent mind, without fearing anyone. The UDP UK will also not shield the UDP party from criticism by Gambians, although we may respond to queries and issues raised in media and other publications in a polite and tolerant manner.
Ousainou if given the chance will be a Gambian president, not only a UDP members president, therefore, there is no point protecting our opposition leaders from scrutiny and criticism from the wider Gambian community. We don’t have that right to probe people for their motive of criticising our party.
Thank You
UDP U.K Coordinator (Suntou Touray)
For membership in U.K or more information on the UDP activities email me:
Thursday, 3 December 2009
To blame the sackings on others. By alluding that, he was informed by X, Y, Z. So the re-appointed General or civil servant will now pick up a serious emnity with rivals or colleagues.
Yahya is planting suspicion and animosity in work places and the military infractstructure to get his way. By making senior military men/women suspect each other, he is the only winner.
Yahya can now explain to Drammeh that, his sacking was as a result of Mr X saying so and so. Drammeh will then watch such a person with every bone in his body.
The Jolas are as disadvantage as all others. When you listen to the querries from Jolas, there you will see how Yahya is treating them. Many who were supporting Yahya for flimsy allegiance has now packed up long ago, Yahya never wish any Gambian to have a name, fame or wealth beyond him. The cancer and hatred he harbours will destroy all who feel that, we the critic are useless time wasters. As soon as they start to acquire some few bones, Yahya will turn against them as he does with those before them, be it Jola or Fula. There are reliable information pointing Yahya making night visits to residence of his Ministers, just to see what sort place such people have. How sad can he get?
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
As in Vadasco’s portrait to the Spanish king
Is this life the end of it all?
God is never dead
Man’s inhumanity and vanity
Is man’s attempt to divert attentions
To the void
Of the blank pages reflecting greed
Cruelty, power and control
Seeking fame and fantasy
Devouring the weak
Inflicting carnival of death
Picnic of fears
It is there then
Man plunge into illuminating the uncertain
Craving superstition and darkness
Atheism and boundless dive into the abyss
Of yes, yes to this world
Speaking flawless
Acting saintly
Alas, the creams fake the vision
Of course, they all intend to be the real contenders
Or shall we say farce pretenders
The Gambia shall watch and make sense of
Hats in our ring!!!!!
It shall all come to pass
In our own grand pendulum’s self-promotion
The truth is not hidden any longer