Thursday 2 April 2009


Elephant Head (sama kun)
Wow you have steadied the ship
When the scartern jatise occur
All eye's dazed
Wankaman smiled
Looking posed and confidence
The damage as been done
The star man pulled away
For the conscience, away from the fist-ing Africans
The never ending sticking fingers
The star man did not wish to be ridicule neither garawale

In come the Samakun
Yes, Samakun
She held it tight
Looking brace and un-burgling
Pointing her oily fingers
Smiling with the utmost radiance
They talk at her
They frowned
They snarl
She pointed out, Hey guys look!
We are here to stay- Join us or clare-off
Her name doped in dirty socked mess
Her person vilified
Yet, she stayed, Holding on to the ship
Until, the wise man felt show to rejoin the crew
Now who is the hero here?
Everyone I say, but the Samakun, can talk and walk with joy
Remember, she was just from a bigger battle
There she made history
The dragon fly, confused and angry
That he lose the battle
To the Elephant's head
God-Bless her
(sama kun is a mandingo name for outstanding women, albeit beautiful and thoughtful ones)

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