Tuesday 22 January 2008


Allow me space to debunk Fatoumatta Drammeh's claims that Ahmadiyya movement is Islamic. I would first ask Fatoumatta to read the teachings of Qadianism or Ahmadiyya movements books.The movement was born out for the simple reason of countering the militant Islamic concept in the Indian sub-region.

The founder of Qadianism or Ahmadiyya movement was actually a British agent .The Ahmadiya came about to challenge certain teachings of Islam and to question the basis of the Quran itself.How can such a movement be considered Islamic when they refuse to leave the ayah's or verses of the quran as it was reveal to the noble prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ? How can the Ahmadiya movement considered them-self Muslims when they only target vulnerable and poor Muslim countries for there propaganda ? The movement from the top officials are friends with countries that traditional oppose every thing Islamic.
There are thousands of facts to present to madam Drammeh that will unveil the deceptive movement of Qadianism ,the sad thing is that many young and old Ahmadiyyas are blindly following a teaching which is contradictory to a believe system that they proclaim to adhere to.
I am not igniting any religious conflict but the facts are facts. Let the Ahmadiyya call them-self some thing else ,no one will have any problem with that , but to be a cancer in the midst of Muslims is even worst than the open enemies of Islam. Gambians need to read the literature's of the Ahmadiya movement and then assess whether it is Islamic or not.
The founder Mazir Qulam Ahmad clearly openly advocate for obedience to the British monarch rather the Islamic caliph .Mazar Qulam Ahmad change the meanings of quranic verses to soothe his doctrines .The clear Arabic text concerning the seal of prophet-hood is change to give way to his false proclamation of being a Mahdi.
I will advice Fatoumatta to read the news papers accounts of Qulam Ahmad's claims ,she and many others will uncover the gran-deception .The British needed an agent who will dilute the powers of Muslims ,and they needed a Muslim to the job for them. this is where Qulam Admad came in. He form his movement Solly to bring confusion and weaken the unity of the Indian Muslims fighting for liberation from colonial rule.

Every third world British colony was provided with the Ahmadiyya mission .look at the way they spread. they are mainly in British former colonies ,one can see a clear connection between the Ahmadiyya movement and there masters.

The movement is not Islamic .They practise some aspect of Islam but the fundamental believe in qatmu nubuwat ( sealed of prohethood by prophet Muhammad is denied) ,the Ahmadiya movement believe that prophet-hood is only sealed to non-Muslims but it continuous among Muslims .This is a clear fabrication and deception.
To be considered a Muslim one need to believe in the truthfulness and accuracy of the quran and to follow the sunah of prophet Muhammad ,leave his words as they are and interpret the quran as was understood by the sahabas or his companions ,any thing else one is following error .
i have attended Ahmadiya conferences in London Modem where they have their biggest centre. why did Pakistan declare the movement unislamic ? Madam Fatoumatta ,find out the truth of the movement. Ahmadiyas don't pray behind other Muslims ,they don't marry to other Muslims and they have there own graves in many Gambian towns and villages WHY ? Because they consider other non-Ahmadiyas as unbelievers .
Of-course the movement engage in charitable ventures but so is the red cross ,and many other non-religious organisation .They build schools ,hospitals and provide sponsorship to needy pupils but so are the catholic missions .When we discussed faith ,we are talking about the here after ,not this present world. If one doing some good acts out of concern for humanity ,his or her intentions are well spelt out but if one is doing a good action to trap and manipulate poor people ,then that is wrong. The later is what the charitable organisation of the Ahmadiyaa movement is all about .From the poor Gambia to Ghana ,to Sierra Leon ,Nigeria etc ,they have mission projects to entice the needy and vulnerable.
Finally ,i will reiterate that the Qadiani or Ahmadiya movemnet is not an islamic splinter group like the shih or Sufis ,or even comparable to the four school of Islamic thought .they some times use that term to define them-self .They are not Muslim .period.
thank you Mr editor for the space .

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