Saturday 9 June 2012

The Brutalisation of Critics in the Gambia

Confirmed reports from NIA detension and interogation units reveals that, non-Gambians are hired to torture Gambian black and blue. An eye witness state that, if you look closely at the scene of some hidden places, you can see human remains. Anybody who report a Gambian to people for him or her to be brutalise is lower than a wild beast and yet some people live on income from working as secret agents, yet they claim to be praying and fasting. I wonder for what purpose? In Tunisian, certain people are punish in prison by depriving them of their prayers. It is said that, beating this political prisoners does not affect them, the prison torturers resort to urinating in the place of worship of the prisoners during the old regime. Now any person who will do that, just to do his maters work is not worth been called a human being.

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