I am trying to establish a perspective on Jaliba's kora Music. Although i hardly listen to Jaliba but last year listening a lecture by an upcoming scholar and social critic Bakawsu Fofana. He attacked Jaliba for pushing Mandingo music too far. He specifically blame Jaliba for the rise of ills in Mandingo society.
Jaliba sang a love song call embrace, this was offensive says Bakawsu. he said, why should Jaliba be urging on his fans to hug each other regardless of relationship.
Is bakwsu right to object to Jaliba's promotion of Mandingo music which was known for being conservative and less sexplotative.
Has Jaliba reached a point where he should stop and ponder?
Your thoughts are welcome.
Is Jaliba are good ambassador of Manden culture?
Listen to Bakausu at this link: only those who understand mandingo can understand him:
Jaliba's interview with Onegambia was insigthful and revealing. i got a lot of info from the chat.
that is the link above